Workshop with Madix: Writing and Revising LitRPG
What if writing the first draft was the easy part? Every week on serial writing websites like Royal Road, hundreds of authors will upload 5, 10, 20,000, or more words...
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What if writing the first draft was the easy part? Every week on serial writing websites like Royal Road, hundreds of authors will upload 5, 10, 20,000, or more words...
Everyone who’s read a blog post on the Hero’s Journey can spot the Hero and Mentor archetypes, but what about a Threshold Guardian, or Herald, or elusive Shapeshifter? Are...
In response to Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousands Faces, aka The Hero's Journey, folklorists and academics (many of them female) countered some of the major steps and archetypes...
The Mentor -- arguably the second most identified archetype from The Hero's Journey (after the eponymous hero). In his book, The Writer's Journey, Christopher Vogler has a lot to...
Last episode we explored the concept of the hero archetype as presented in Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey. But analysis is one thing; we wanted to see if we...
Whether every protagonist is a Hero is open to debate (and debate it we do in this episode) but on it we can agree that the vast majority of...
Writing Workshop with Kim & ReneeThe Writer’s Journey Subscribe to our Newsletter The Hero’s Journey Study Guide The Writing Workshop Exercise Map your Novel according to Vogler’s The Hero...
Writing Workshop with Kim & ReneefromWriting the Memoir Subscribe to our Newsletter The Writing Workshop Exercise Find two or...
Memoirs are rarely straight chronological narratives, what with the musing we talked about last episode, and they almost always...
We’ve gotten to the part of Judith Barrington’s Writing the Memoir where she covers the actual writing of...
Readers seek out memoirs because they want true stories. But the truth, according to Judith Barrington in her book...
Chronological, essays, skipping through time, interspersed non-fiction — there are so many forms that memoir can take. Judith Barrington...
Baring one's soul in a memoir is hard work. Convincing others to care is one thing, but to engage...
We’re starting a NEW BOOK - Judith Barrington’s Writing the Memoir. And what better place to start than by...
How do you tackle one of the most famous writing craft books, you take it “Bird by Bird.” That’s...
Well, why do you? The answer for most authors is to get published. But is that the only...
Anne Lamott (in her Bird by Bird book) says the dreaded writer’s block isn’t about being blocked, it’s about...
Behind most successful authors there is a writing group (at least according to their novel's acknowledgment section). But how...
Some advice is timeless, some is not. In this episode, we evaluate writing techniques from Anne Lamott's book...
Sometimes just showing up isn’t enough. You’ve set time aside for writing and instead of your story unfurling on...
We’re onto the second section in Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird — The Writing Frame Of Mind — and...
Even published authors have problems getting the magical stories in their heads into finished manuscript. But Anne Lamott’s account...
The Role of the Trickster and Other Archetypes
Are we done with archetypes now? Almost! There are just three more archetype chapters in Christopher Vogler’s book, The Writer’s Journey, and we have issues with two of them. The...