Our Interview with Elana Gomel
In response to Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousands Faces, aka The Hero’s Journey, folklorists and academics (many of them female) countered some of the major steps and archetypes that Campbell claimed were universal.
In today’s workshop we explore the some of the ideas of The Heroine’s Journey with author and academic, Elana Gomel. Using her just published dark fantasy Nine Levels, Elana shows how her protagonist doesn’t follow the Hero’s Journey, but the Heroine’s Journey, and eventually takes her own path entirely.
Born in Ukraine and currently residing in California, Elana Gomel is an academic, award-winning writer, and professional nomad. Twelve years ago she published her first fantasy novel and has never looked back. She is the author of more than a hundred short stories, two collections, several novellas, and seven novels. Many of her stories and novels have mythological and folkloric overtones and are inspired by her travels, such as trip to Greece that resulted in her just released novel, Nine Levels. You can buy e-book copies of her book on Amazon or Mirror World Publishing.
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